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Moving from Texas to New York - anything I should know?

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2024 8:21 am
by DavidMartinez
I know that driving laws are different between each state, but how different are they? I'm in the process of trying to move from Texas to New York, and I'm not really sure what to look out for???

Should I be concerned about this? :o

Re: Moving from Texas to New York - anything I should know?

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2024 8:45 am
by ZackNorman
There are way more differences in the driving laws between Texas and New York than I can remember, but the main ones that you absolutely have to be careful with include:

1) NY requires annual safety and emissions inspections for all vehicles, while Texas only mandates annual testing in specific counties.

2) The urban speed limits in New York are generally lower (usually 25mph), which is typically lower than Texas.

3) Both states allow right turns on red after a complete stop, but NYC prohibits you from doing this unless a sign specifically permits you to do it.

4) Both states ban handheld phone use while you're driving, but New York has way stricter penalties for violations.

5) New York requires that all passengers, including those in the back seat, have to wear seat belts. Meanwhile, Texas only mandates seat belts for front-seat occupants and passengers under 17 in the back seat.

Remember, this is just barely the surface of what you'll have to adjust to moving between states, but I hope it gives you a good idea of what you need to get used to :-)