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What should I check on my car to make sure it passes inspection?

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2024 8:13 am
by DavidMartinez
Hi everyone! I have my state inspection coming up soon, but should I check anything beforehand with my car to give it a better chance of passing the inspection?

Also I live in Virginia, if that helps.

I'm really worried now that my car fails the inspection, since it's an older model and I don't know what to do about all that wear and tear :evil:

Re: What should I check on my car to make sure it passes inspection?

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2024 8:31 am
by ZackNorman
Hi there!

Usually, vehicle inspections are similar from one state to another. In Virginia specifically, check that your brakes, tires, lights, wipers, and mirrors are in good condition. From what I've noticed, it looks like these parts in particular get inspected quite a lot more than other parts of your car.

Also, make sure that your car's horn works, that your license plate is properly attached, and that there are no cracks in your windshield that obstruct your view. Another thing you could do is ensure that your dashboard warning lights have all been addressed. I'd suggest a quick trip to the local mechanic to fix them.

I hope that helps, but let me know if you need more info :-D